そして、舞台作品においても、映像作品との違いは何か、どういう特徴があるのか、という議論が存在します。こちらのブログ(7 Differences Between Writing for the Stage and Writing for the Screen)では、以下のような事を述べています。
Plays are Primarily about the Words; Films are Visual This difference is without question the most fundamental. As a matter of fact, it is so fundamental, it informs everything else when making a comparison. In 2015, when I was commissioned to write my first screenplay, this was the area I knew would be the biggest challenge. Not only was I a playwright—I was a poet and novelist. Words had always been my foremost tool for storytelling.
On the stage, information is almost always given through dialogue—both literal and through subtext. Aside from stylized presentations (think of Bertolt Brecht), visual elements reinforce rather than replace the dialogue. The same is true when revealing a character’s thoughts, motivations, or psychology.
In a screenplay, words are only used when images cannot stand on their own.
こちらのブログ(Playwriting vs. Screenwriting - Is Your Story a Play or a Screenplay?)では、以下のような事が言われています
Dialogue in play writing is much more forgiving in terms of monologues and length. Unlike screenwriting, what the audience can’t see in visual form often needs to be addressed in dialogue.
In movie scripts, scene descriptors are short, typically three lines. But in playwriting, lengthy descriptions of what the setting is like are found at the beginning of an act. This gives the reader a full understanding of the set and of the theme of the play as well as instructions for the set designers to create the world you intended.
ちなみに小説はどうかというと、こちら(Analyzing dialogue lengths in fantasy fiction)やこちら(How to Write Dialogue: Step-by-Step and Infographic)の分析によれば、発話(dialogue)と地の文(narration)の比率は1:2くらいのようです。
Wolves in the Wallsはエミー賞などを受賞した有名なVR映像作品ですが、こちらでも、ストーリーの大半は主人公のモノローグ(あるいは、プレイヤーに話しかける)で進み、登場人物同士が話す場面は少ないです。